Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hearing Loss Can Occur in Diabetics and Might be Related

If you are diabetic, chances are you need to visit an audiologist and have your hearing tested. Even if you don't realize you have any kind of hearing loss, it has been discovered that 68% of diabetics have hearing loss, especially in the higher frequencies, which is also known as nerve deafness because diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels in the ear which can cause hearing loss in the higher frequencies.

While so many diabetics that have been diagnosed have their vision tested and that is the sense that most people are concerned with, it has been found that over two thirds also have some hearing loss, as a side effect of diabetes. If you have already been diagnosed and not tested, the earlier you have this done, the better. It is easier to prevent further hearing loss because damage can become progressive.

It seems that those that have diabetic symptoms don't always realize that hearing loss can be a symptom because the main symptoms can be blurry vision, excessive thirst, fatigue, weight loss or gains and frequent urination. Because the insulin levels aren't properly used to convert sugar into energy, the hormones can cause nerve damage that is more obvious and can cause other symptoms that get attention quicker. The main problem with hearing loss is that it can happen gradually over time and isn't as obvious so it can be overlooked.
The other thing is that as we age, we also lose hearing in the higher frequencies first. Because of all the little hairs that are actually sensors in the inner ear, these start to thin as we get older and they are what allows us to hear all different pitches. As they start to thin, you can still hear, just not the sounds that are in certain frequencies and so some diabetics might attribute the hearing loss to aging versus the disease.

Regardless, hearing testing should be done if you are diagnosed with diabetics and if you are having hearing problems in the higher frequencies, you should also be checked for diabetes. There are several symptoms that can tell you that you are experiencing hearing loss.

If you have a hard time hearing on the phone or hearing the television at reasonable levels, you might be having hearing problems. Other signs of higher frequency hearing problems could be having a hard time hearing women and children and especially if you misunderstand what it sounds like they are saying. Of course, hearing loss that isn't in the higher frequencies can mean you have a hard time hearing anybody at normal levels and you might be straining to hear any sounds at normal levels.

Many people that have hearing loss are normally tipped off by the family they live around. It is more noticeable to them, but can be frustrating to you left untreated. It is easy to fix higher frequency or nerve hearing loss with hearing aids. See your hearing aid practitioner to get tested, especially if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.


  1. Informative and useful read, it is really interesting to know that 68% of diabetics have hearing loss, especially in the higher frequencies and diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels in the ear which can cause hearing loss in the higher frequencies. It's really serious.

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